My data in state registers
Access to my data in State and Privately owned registers. Most of the data is available free of charge, but some data for a fee, according to the Lursoft IT price list.
You can only view your data if you are logged into the system.
What kind of my personal data are available in State and Privately owned registers?
- Beneficial owner - information of companies where I am registered as an actual beneficial owner.
- My positions - Registered positions, with power of attorney and management boards of enterprises, where personal registration is equivalent to company management;
- My shares - Shared capital owned by me in the Enterprises registered in the Register of Enterprises of Latvia;
- My commercial pledges - Commercial pledges, which are registered on my name in the Commercial Pledge Register (Commercial pledge statement for a fee, according to Lursoft IT price list);
- My organization's claims for payments - the claims for payments of my represented organization, registered in the Lursoft IT database "Claims for Payments" (according to the credit report Verdikts and credit history Paus Konsult, in accordance with the Lursoft IT directory).
- My marital contracts - My data that have been registered in the Register of Marriage Settlements;
- My data in the Maintenance Guarantee Fund - My data in the Maintenance Guarantee Fund administration;
- My data in the press - Latvian mass media articles, which mention my name/last name;
- My Real Estate - My real estate, registered in the Landbook of Latvia (Land Register certificate for a fee, according to the Lursoft IT pricelist);
- My data in the Cadastre - My Real Estate registered in the Cadastre registered in the State Land Service – Sample of report;
- My organization data In Cadastre - Real Estate belonging to my organization, that has been registered In the State Land Service;
- My vehicles - Vehicles belonging to me, which have been registered in the Road Traffic Safety Directorate and the registered fines (CSDD statement on vehicle fees, according to Lursoft IT pricelist);
- My driving license - My driving licenses registered;
- My penalty points - Current penalty points received and registered in the CSDD (Road Traffic Safety Directorate) database;
- My Tractor vehicles - Ownerhship of Tractor vehicles, which have been registered in the State Technical Equipment Supervisory Agency’s Tractor Equipment Register;
- My dossier - my dossier is a service which allows you to the find all the current and historical information regarding the individual is gathered from public records (fee-based information, according to the Lursoft IT pricelist).
- Easy access to your own data in the State and Privately owned registers any time.