Addresses | Company count | Department count | Authorities count | Real estate | Number of real estate transactions |
Daugavpils | 11019 | 10804 | 115 | 60178 | 23324 |
Jelgava | 9542 | 6185 | 82 | 33744 | 14711 |
Jūrmala | 11024 | 5373 | 53 | 32360 | 19809 |
Liepāja | 12705 | 7533 | 86 | 42132 | 19540 |
Rēzekne | 4196 | 3726 | 61 | 20322 | 8239 |
Rīga | 226495 | 109972 | 655 | 354064 | 198802 |
Ventspils | 5586 | 4027 | 52 | 20399 | 8850 |
Data source and license: Data of the State address register information system, open data license: Creative Commons Attribution