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Annual reports
Financial ratios, balance sheets, cash flow, profit and loss statements
Lists of sanctions
Verification of entities in the Sanctions Lists.
Last data update: 11.02.2025.
Last data update: 11.02.2025.
Real estate in Latvia
Addresses, ownership, composition, encumbrances, cadastral value, etc.
Property data updated: 11.02.2025.
Property data updated: 11.02.2025.
Real estate transactions
Property cadastre numbers, object types, transaction dates, amounts (EUR)
Deal data updated: 11.02.2025.
Deal data updated: 11.02.2025.
Industry (NACE revisions 2.1 and 2.0)
Industries, NACE codes, industry analytics, companies in the industry
Land Register
Real estate in Latvia, owners, liabilities and encumbrances (Online service)
European Business register
European companies and officials, documents
Transport Register
Vehicles, drivers, penalties and commercial pledges (Online service)
Insolvency registry process and Events
Pledge Register
Pledges, Pledgees and Pledgors
changes have been made in the registers today
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